Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Wednesday Edition

Well, its Wednesday, and that means I'm half way through this one week challenge of blogging once a day, I have to admit, I feel like I'm cheating a little because I'm not at a job all day, or taking care of kids, or even really dedicating all that much time to anything, but the days fill up regardless and so that fact that I am this committed to something says...something.

I'm trying to come up with some really distinctive entries, but as it is, I haven't really advertised my blog is reopened, so no one is commenting and so really at this point, why make the effort when I'm running my mouth off for myself. HAH self pity at its best!

Today was, well, pretty fucktastic, Ottawa got hit with a snow storm, not a big one, but the first one of the season, so we'll see how this winter turns out from here on in I guess. All I know is it looks fuck-hella cold out there and I'm very happy in front of my easel.

I didn't paint all day, I cleaned the stairwell, washed the walls and vacuumed the upstairs, I didn't do my laundry (boo) but mom was occupying the machines all day so grubby painting clothes it is!

I finished a big 16x20 canvas I started on Sunday, motivation finally struck Monday night and I worked my black little heart out on it for the last two days, and luckily it wasn't too detail oriented for me. I also finished one of two beetles for the art show in February (details to come, as well as pictures). I still have the Rubbei beetle to do, but the Buquetii is finished. Yaakaa!!


I'm wearing Hugo Dark Blue on my sweater and it reminds me of the dude. I slept in my own bed last night and it was weird waking up cold and seeing snow piled up in my window. It doesn't help that we have the same duvet cover, so for a minute I thought I was back at his place. That's when I noticed I was cold.

I want to invest in a couple plain jacketed journals and illustrate them for x-mas gifts, saw the idea on etsy and dA and I looooved it, so I want to steal the idea for myself, of course.

SO yah.


Mood: Hump day, ftw.

post script : Zachary Quinto is a fucking fox. Rawr. Syler can steal my super power any day!!

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