Thursday, December 25, 2008

Why I hate the holidays

An introspective perspective of Christmas, from a non-retail point of view.

Reason Number Uno;

Family. 'nuff said.

Reason Number Ducimo;

No matter what you asked for, you never get what you want. Exception Art supplies. Always ask for art supplies, cause inevitably you will need what you receive. One day. Even if its a tube of superglue...emergency band-aid people. Look that shit up.

Reason Number Triplica;

all you want to is sleep in. or sleep. or just hang out in bed. Can you? No, you're shuttled around from family members, to friends, to family to home and all you want is to be warm, comfy and half comatose.

Reason Number Quadretta;

The music. Again. 'nuff said.

Reason Number Cincolina;

HAVE YOU BEEN IN A MALL/STORE/MARKET?!? THAT alone is enough to retreat into the hills and take up life as a hermit. -cringes- I learned that Walmart pumps in pure oxygen to keep its customers more alert...I wonder what it does to the people working there... -sees mental image of walmart zombies shuffling around with tanks of pure O2 strapped to their backs-

Reason Number sexysix;

Inevitably, even if you don't celebrate x-mas, you will be wish a merry x-mas. Go fuck yourselves. Pagan. Wish me a happy solstice and MAYBE one year I'll be a little more inclined to celebrate this bastardized psuedo-holy day.

So, because Scrooge truly is the best thing about Christmas (pre the holy spirit halucinations,) Humbug everyon, BAH humbug indeed!!

Also. I am writing this because it is safer for my mentality to lock myself away then it is to be with my family. See Reason Number Uno.

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