Monday, December 29, 2008

Processional Painting

So, I did bad and I bought myself something before x-mas but at the size and the price I couldn't do wrong so I bought myself a pair of 40X60 cm canvases.

I then found out that my dad had bought me canvases for x-mas....LOL so when I 'opened' them (they weren't wrapped since I'd found them completely by accident, I mean, come on people, they were in the back porch on the freezer...not well hidden!!) My dad said he'd really liked my orchid macro paintings I'd done, so he wanted me to paint him an orchid painting...this is it...progressional... yes I know the camera makes it yellow tinted...Its in my room and my lamp is vaguely yellowish from all the tobacco in my house. -shrugs- when its finished or during next week I'll get a day time shot of it. okay??

this is it last friday (the 26th) in sketchy form. See? big orchids. I like.

this is it sunday morning (yes I pretty much painted all saterday evening and well into sunday...what??) You will see that I've chosen not to keep the greyish blue and that I've found an awesome magenta to work with. My goal is to really make the white orchids POP off the painting. I hope it works.

this of 9 minutes ago on monday night...drying. I have to wash my brushes and start on the leaves...and stems...while I wait for the bg to dry...its not actually that red, its more pinkish with bright flecks of amber/gold. It'll match my parents room, they're bedding is that colour. and the inside of the orchids will reflect the same colour...

So far, this is probably the most I've -not- worked on a painting in one sitting, big canvases suck, they take foreverz to dry.


updates will follow.

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