Sunday, December 14, 2008

Another Blond Moment, or Unrated Ratings.

Last night, while sitting down to a night of movies and crocheting with Ms. And-Then-Some, we decided to watch Hancock.

I was looking at the case and asked if it would be too violent for her young son to watch with us and she said it was unrated and then took the box from me. I nodded in agreement, it is a 'super hero' movie after all and went back to my crocheting and she goes, after looking at the case quickly.

"Yah, there is no rating on it..."

I laughed and she grimaced, but it was too late. She made one of her finest blond moments ever.

This telling is not as humourous as the moment was, but if you think about it, this conversation happened in a matter of had to be there...

this is more for me to remember that brilliant moment then anything else.

Go Ms. Ren ATS.

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