Friday, December 28, 2007

Useless Meme

Why?? Because I can bitches!

70 Questions I Guarantee You've Never Answered:

1. Would you bang your neighbour?
Older brother yes, younger brother no.

2. What describes your relationship status?

4. What's the last movie you've seen in the theater?

5. Do you live with your parents?
I have no soul.

6. What is your middle name?
Elizabeth like you know, after the queen. Oh yah bitches, named after royalty.

7. Who have you talked to most today?

8. Do you carve pumpkins every year?
EEWWWW Do pumpkins come and take you away from home, carve out YOUR guts and display you to the masses?? NO! So why should I do that to a pumpkin huh??

9. Color of your underwear?
COMMANDO!! thats right, this chicky likes to fly FREE mofo's!!

10. What color shirt are you wearing?

11. How many years have you taken a language?
2o in english, 25 in yve.

12. Are you gay?
don't you wish my girlfriend was hot like me?

13. If so, are you a rainbow rocker?
FLY FREE, G.A.P. BITCHES... okay only half and half, like cream! HAH!!

14. Do you wish on 11:11?
No, 4:20 on 4, 20 :D

15. Good advice if you ever go camping?
No matter how much fun it is teasing the sasquatch, they are bigger then you and know where you sleep.

16. Are you a bad influence?
Yes. Yes I am. See the afore mentioned, I have no soul comment.

17. Do you enjoy Diet Rockstar?

18. Rather have your name or your siblings name?
I totally would pwn Willow's name. But lets face it Yve totally fucking rocks.

19. Would you do anything for someone else?
do I get something back?? Maybe. if someone was asking for one of my kidney's probably to save a life, but if they were gonna ask for my coffee, FUCK NO.

20. Have you ever been called a bitch?

21. Favourite colours?

22. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
When I can avoid it I will, but I am a bit of an emoticon whore. :D >:P

23. What song is on?
Choices - Xavier Rudd.

24. Are your grades good?
They could be better.

25. Do you think people hate you for filling these out?
I don't care. It amuses me for the five minutes it takes to fill it out and fuckya'll if you don;t like it.

27. Does your best friend have a facebook?
Who doesn't have facebook. if you don't have facebook, you are simply not good enough. SHAAAAMME.

28. Who's page did you visit last?
Angels' too whore the hell out of this meme on my blog. Oh yah bitches. Whoring it out big time.

29. Last time you went out to lunch?
today I went to see Wendy for one of her bitching hot dogs.

30. What is to the right of you?

33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears CDs?
-blinks- Crazy. Not stupid.

35. Are you a Lost fanatic?
do you want to live?

37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?
PRINCE OF DARKNESS!! ALL HAIL OZZY!!! What kind of person would I be if I didn't. Its fucking OZZY man.

38. iPod or Zune?

39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly?
when I can I will watch it for hours and hours and hours.

40. King of the Hill?
ehn, only if there is no family guy.

41. Do you read trashy romance novels often?
mmmm her milky white breasts heaved in the moonlight as the ship rocked gently on its

43. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car?
Do I sing obnoxiously for fun?! Yes.

44. Do you ever sing obnoxiously in the shower?

45. What's in your cd player right now?

46. Have you ever pretended your crush was with you?

53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?
only about my art/pet stuff.

54. Have you ever been to south africa or africa?
noez but I wanna.

55. Do you know how to knit?
-sigh- no.

59. When you open your closet, what is the dominant color?
My closet does't have a door and its filled with crap right now. But mostly black.

60. Baskin robbins or cold stone?

61. Physics or chemistry?

64. R-rated or G-rated movies? first one thats made me stop and think. Dunno.

65. Go on walks during the day or night?

66. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?

67. Fly or road trip?

68. Batman, Spiderman, or Superman?
Fuck No, Spiderman all the way. HE CAN SPIN A WEB!!! wtf does Batman have?? toys? Superman? He's ALIEN HE"S NOT EVEN HUMAN!!!!

69. Ever gone ghetto and ate cereal with water because you didn't have milk?

Oh yah most pointless waste of time EVER. it was good.


RIO said...

I've bought my cereal at the local grocery which sold pickled pigs feet and then ate my cereal with juice. Does that count as GHETTO?

Yve! said...

It makes you unique

RIO said...

BTW - #15 is my favorite. Though the color "penis" is certainly fetching.