Tuesday, December 25, 2007


If the universe and I were a game, and there was a ref. I'd have called a foul this week on the universe for a dirty play.

The man of my visual dreams walked into work this week and I couldn't even make eye contact with him. I was stuck up a ladder while he was in the line up at the cash.


Dreadlocked, bearded, granola man. Walked into my life and then out of it again.

why gods, why?!?

Seriously, just a damper on my whole week.


Redid the hawk for anyone that cares. Its seriously styling again.

And I'm drunk and stoned. YAY day off!!

I also hope christmas chokes on shortbread cookie and dies. Really, blue in the face dead. OH YAH.

gimme more baileys.

1 comment:

RIO said...

I. LOVE YOU!!! *seizes the Dreadlocked man by the ankles and drags him back for you*