Saturday, December 22, 2007

Deck the Halls with Bows of STFU

Once more around the wheel, once more into the obolix.

Christmas and all its fun misconceptions are upon us kiddies.

Glittering lights remanicent of the old pagan festival of lights shine brightly in the dark to harold back in the gods of the hunt, and light the way for the suns long journey back, bows of evergreen hang reminding you of the old ways to keep the home fresh and mite free, hearty foods from the bower fill our empty stomach and remind us that the long dark of winter is only going to brighten up.

Fat gifts sit under the tree (now taken inside to keep the church inquisitors from finding out who still celebrates the old ways and being tried as a witch) teach our little ones all about greed and selfishness (remember when they taught us about wealth, not the monetary kind.

I, like many of you, use to love this time of year. Now my bitter cynical eyes see it as just another reason to max out the credit cards, spend money for trivial pointless things that (as much as you deny it) will be forgotten as soon as the next new toy rolls off the production shelves.

Working as a cashier I've honed my skills as a zen artist and I my ever impressive ability to shrug it off but this year omfg I seriously want to commit tinseilcide.

every year it gets worse and worse and I just want to do it. I want to take one of those bright red ribbons and tie it around someones neck and 'merry christmas' them to death.

If its not people squawking about whats PC to say to people, its the crazies snapping and stressing out over something that is suppose to be the happiest time of the year.

Are you happy??

I sure as hell am not. I'm exhausted, sore and weak. I have tunnel vision to get me through my days and a weak hope that in two weeks it shall all be over.

Gods, please tell me in a couple of weeks it shall all be over. I need to hear it once.

In the mean time.

Point on for Paganism, a stranger smiled at me and wished me a happy yule yesterday. I was totally touched. It made my day. But then again, so did the boozy chocolate.

Happy whatever religious denominational holy day you celebrate!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I love you for your title. :D Made my morning. Er. Afternoon, but I just got up so I'll call it morning. Few more days til it's over eh?