Friday, December 11, 2009

Thank God for Five Dollar Sheets

I bought these sheets (practically new) for five bucks. They're pretty rad, if not a little big for my bed, but still.

I've learned to put them on when Jeb comes over cause inevitably someone spills paint on them.

We both paint in acrylic so once is there, its pretty much there for good. I have to shave my carpet because of acrylic paint. What can I say? Its plastic. And my carpet is ugly. This will motivate my landlord into putting new carpets in.

So, if you haven't figured, its art day with Jebilicious and we're grooving out pretty hard core.

I painted all day today. What can I say, I'm the epitome of unemployed artist.

That is it.

1 comment:

Beth said...

When I grow up I want to be an artist too. :) It sounds pretty nice! I like the 5$ sheet idea, my real sheets in undergrad took on some interesting decoration by acrylics. To say nothing of the floors and walls that landlords and parents have had to redo over the years...