Saturday, December 5, 2009


Having reviewed all of my previous blog posts, I'm going to institute a rule. Posting a mood along with which ever the topic is.

What I think am going to do tp get myself back into the swing of things I'm going to, for the next week, is post daily.


What subject, you might ask?

It doesn't matter, I need to get to re-establish my style of writing. To see if I can turn down the blatant in-your-face 'tude I seem to rock (poorly indeed), it seems very prevalent to most of my previous posts.

I have been mulling over the idea of doing an art blog, and issuing challenges to myself and possibly actually going out there into the blogisphere and seeing who else is out there that I enjoy reading. I mean; don't get me wrong ms. rhapsody, I love you, but I need to know what my other options are out there. And I'm not talking just this one, but this one too, or this crap too. I will be doing a fair bit of pimpin' too, music, video's, awesome links I find while trollin'.

...well, now that that paragraph has eaten dick twice now, and I've had to re-edit my linkages like mad, I'm going to spice this up with some images. Fuck yah!!

Action Shot!*

Yah I went there. Deal.

So. It being Saturday, do I cheat and make today count? Sure why not. Next saturday we'll wrap up this daily post challenge and see how I stack up.



Having spent the night out, enjoying the dude's company, and seeing a coffee house at U of O, which turned out surprisingly well, despite the slow climb. The show, not the evening. The evening itself was remarkably well, but I haven't figured out how to shut up yet. Seriously, this is a skill every 27 year old woman should have, know when to SHUT UP. Oh well, the damage is done. Apologies all around on my ridiculously girlish behaviour of late.

Having decided that while I am looking for work I am going to paint my ass off for an upcoming set of shows and get more involved in getting myself out there, I randomly dropped in on DeSerres today and ran into the gentleman Marcus, who runs Basement Artists, which turned out to be a solid mini-jam about up-coming exhibits and shows that I want and am going to try to get too. Blew my mind, folks, this guy is wicked. Scored a five pack of canvases for myself and a gift for the dude, if he'll accept it.

Saw Astro-boy, surprisingly well done, even though I missed the intro, -shrugs- I cried at the end. Who's surprised? Not Ren, that's for sure. Ended up at Value Village where every thrifty shopper needs to visit. I tell you!

And now I am at home. Bored. Aren't you thrilled I decided to sit down? Hasn't this been the most fun ever?

I was entertained for a good hour checking out music video's and old link and laughing my ass off at the shit I use to listen too. My gods I've come a far ways.

Good News? I have art supplies.

Bad News? I have no inspiration.

Mood? Mildly entertain, kinda want to watch the rest of Hero's and possible find something mildly alcoholic. Brown Cow anyone?

Future painting themes? American Sign Language Anatomy!

* i.e. shittah webcam shot. fuck you, I'm too lazy to look for my own camera and my friends are to lazy to post party pictures. Assholes.

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