Monday, February 18, 2008

Gypsy dreams with wild garlic flowers

Me and Damen had a conversation today, mostly revolving around my rekindling love affair with garlic. I made pasta today, extra garlic, I made a cream cheese dip for a snack, extra extra garlic. I am rank with garlic. Which made me slightly inspired because I was listening to Fleetwood Mac's Gypsy at the time and the idea for a picture came a gypsy girl with wild garlic flowers, saucy, savoury and so pretty!! Anyway...the entire time Damen and I were laughing about my garlic obsession...this is the conversation that follows when I was looking up images of garlic flowers

Yve Starr: garlic is pretty!

Damen: And so tastey

Yve Starr: lol

Yve Starr: minion is basted in garlic

Damen: I shall put you on a crust with maranira sauce and cheese and have minion pizza.

Yve Starr: thats vaguely erotic.

you had to be there.

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