Saturday, December 1, 2007

If Life was a bag of trail mix, I'd be the only Cranberry in the bag.

I thought up that line this morning laying in bed, trying to decide if I was too bitter or to bitchy or if I held onto grudges too long. How long is too long? A month? A half year? Years?

Aren't something worth holding onto more begrudgedly then others?

I always say don't sweat the small stuff, but I am a hypocrite. I totally sweat the small stuff. But I also let it go. If I don;t think about it for a week, then I've let it go.

The big stuff, yah I hold onto. Things are just meant to be remembered. Plus. I'm a Sag, Sag's are notorious for holding on to grudges forever. We're stubborn, and hardheaded and its what we do. Remember the bad things that happen to us so we can hold it against the person that did it to us years from now and make them feel guilty even though we -really- don't care.

For example; this is something I know I'm going to remember for years.

My birthday.

I'm turing 25, and thats kinda big right? So I invite all my friends to come to my party at Zaphods cause holy crap my birthday falls on the only night that I go out. Which is oddly a tuesday but hey, wtf are wednesday's for but staying in bed wishing it was friday. Anyway. I let EVERYONE I know know at least a month in advance that man, don't make plans for the tuesday of the 27th cause you're coming out to my party right??

Those who can let me know, those who can't let me know and its all good. Hence what letting everyone know in advance is about right? birthday rolls around and one person. I shall call her M. sez she's coming, then cancels, then sez she's coming, then cancels, then sez for sure she's coming out, she's had it bad the last week and needs to party with her friends. Sweet! I even don't care her asshole boyfriend is coming with her.

SO they get downtown, like three hours too early and asshole boyfriend doesn't have any i.d.

How does he expect to get into a club without i.d? I dunno. But he thinks cause he might know the bouncer he will.

So via cell phone calls on my way to my managers place and then to club my friend decides, instead of staying at the club (cause she has i.d. and her assh...boyfriend doesn't, she's gonna bounce, even though its one of her best friends 25th birthday and she's really excited about hanging out with M. finally outside of work.

Uh.huh. riiight.

so. I tell her what ever, its really selfish of her that she's promise to come to my party and bounce on account of her boyfriend (HEY LOOK I FORGOT THE ASSHOLE THAT TIME...don't worry I was thinking it) doesn't have any i.d. cause he's basically a putz and so big deal, she's only breaking a promise to her friend on her birthday, so w/e we'll see each other at work, just don't expect me to be happy to see you cause you tromped on my feelings in your knock off skater shoes and wiggled you flabby hinny around in your ugly ass skinny keans.

Well, come the next time she's at work, it turns out M. has been talking smack about how selfish I was and how I don't care that she's going through a hard time, and I'm gonna stay mad at her forever cause you know, thats what I do, I hold grudges.

Umm...wouldn't you??

Anyway. I hear this and I think to myself, nah this is too easy, I'm going to be UBER!nice to her the next time I see her just to rub it in her face she talked all this smack to me its not true and she's gonna look the fool not me.

Guess who's acting all bitchy and snobbish? Not the Yve oh hellz no, man I had so much fun WITHOUT her and her boyfriend I actually don't care that she bounced cause I know she'd have just thrown herself around the club and acted the hot cookie n basically just put a whole sluttish turn on the night, M. is the one being all cold and rank and notfun. Not the Yve people. The Yve doesn't care. The Yve rocked her 25th like no ones fucking business.

So I hears it today from a little bird that she's been calling me two-faced.


Okay, seriously people, I hadn't even had a chance to see this girl before she got up all on me acting like I'm the bad guy. Um. Hate to sound pretensious but when you pick your man before your girls....especially on your girls birthday...YOU ARE A BITCH no doubt about it.

Wasn't it Ren that said to me once Ho's before Bro's Yve.. Ho's before Bro's?!?

Yah I finally got what you meant Ren...and I totally see where you are coming from.

What I love is she went to Lawrence with all of this trying to fish out informationon what I've been saying about her. HA. Funneh. I haven't said anything that isn't true.

:P So much for living in that drama-free bubble.

Ironically Lawrence asked how we managed to stay friends for so long with all the smack we talk about each other. Truthfully, when I answered him, I said I don't know, but we the hell do we anyway?

So yah, I wasn't PLANNING on holding a grudge about this but that kinda pissed me off that she made it to seem like I was the bad guy when she picked her ASSHOLE before her friend.

-flips the british bird- JOG ON, prick.

In other news.


It's snowed on and off for the last week, and it finally cleared up today and it got FUCKING COLD!!!

Its like -17 celcius and yah. COLD. Wtf. its only going up to -11 tomorrow and we might hit -2 on monday. BRRRR. I hope this means that the canal will be frozen and ready for skating on in time for X-mas. I'm planning on asking for skates for Yule this years. I haven't skated in years but the last time I was in skates and on the canal I made it from downtown to dows lake in twenty minutes. Thats almost 7.8 k people!!!
I figure because I spent a good two and half months biking back and forth from the glebe to st. laurent I should be in fairly good shape to skate every other day from dows lake (twenty minute walk from my parents place) to downtown before school....thats the idea anyway....if it happens....LOL.

Fuck I prattle on endless about crap don't I? Oh well.

Hi Phil!


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