Monday, December 3, 2007

Hey! Look! Its Snowing!!

Get up this morning to BIG FAT flakes falling from teh sky and I get up with out really looking hard at the snow and take Dora out for her morning pee.

Except I can't open the front door.


It musta been the way the snow was blowing last night I figure but then I got out and I couldn't see my stairs. Or the side walk. Or the street.

I sure as hell found them when Dora pulled me down them though. WHOOPEETA!!!

Its still snowing too. We got about 10 cm of snow and we're expected another (minimum) of 10 before night fall.

I have to get ready to leave for school two hours early just so I can make it on time.

Sometimes it just doesn't pay to live in a country who's gross annual snowfall can fill a football stadium. Twice.

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