Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Just Sayin' Part 1

I've picked up this wicked phrase that seems to result in any conversation ending with a sardonic snort and a nod of derision from both parties.

"Just sayin'."

Example: If you are going to try to make a point, or an argument, and you can't back it up, you need to shut your gob. Just sayin'.

See? It works right? Next time you're having a conversation with someone and you really want to end the conversation without crushing anyone's tender feeling's throw on a 'Just sayin'.' in there, and watch what happens. It's hilarious. You're partner will get this perplexed glaze in their eyes, snort or snicker and nod. It's hilarious. And it creates the best way to move onto a new subject.

I've been using this quite a bit and I find that it really helps me feel like I'm contributing to a real conversation, just sayin'.

Really I came on here tonight to run my mouth off about a certain way a certain friend has been treating me this last couple of months, and it seems to be a cycle with us and I'm just sayin' (hah it works in the middle of a sentence too) that it's pissing me off. If you're going to go all anti-social and hob-nob with idiots and leave behind people, don't be expecting them (i.e. me) to bend over-backwards to be all sociable with you again. Really, I'm not a tool you can't just go about using me for your own amusement. Either we're friends and we stick it together, or fuck off and let me do my own thing without being involved in your own hopped up drama that you go searching for yourself. Honestly it gets old, and it gets old real fast-like, and you know when you go asking for advice that is perfectly sound and reasonable, and you ignore it, don't fucking ask for the advice, cause its a waste of time.

I hate that I know I sound like a bitch, but really, there is not point in farting about. Suck it up, cause I ain't your momma and I ain't going to sugar coat it for you.

Just sayin'.

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