Saturday, December 26, 2009

Art, art, art, blog, art, blog about art


Well, since rededicating myself to my blog, I've come to an crossroads. Exactly wtf should I blog about? Sure, a blog about Yve is nice and narcissistic, but lets face it, I'm really not all that interesting, otherwise (here it comes guys, the weekly dig at my friends) more people would comment on my (please note heavy sarcasm) well thought out entries.

I have stuck to my rule about trying to post once a week minimum, and of course I've stopped posting (almost entirely) on facebook, leaving all my juicy squidbits to my blog, or at least...the crap that isn't total crap,... anyway, randomly sliding off topic, I am trying fruitfully not to loose my shit and find a decent theme for my blog, so wtf, since I've been ASSTASTICALLY successful at joining an amazing art community (thank you marcus!!) and getting more shows then I am prepared for (fuck) I'm going to turn this next week challenge into an art challenge.

Mostly because my beautiful, gorgeous, delicious tablet has been sitting ignored for the last month, I'm going to (do what I can) about reading tutorials and attempting one piece of art a day. For the next week.

-groans- this falls under the old conversation I would have, inevitably, in the middle of an art crisis I've brought on myself with my friend;

Yve: Why do I do this to myself? Pick some huge challenging piece I know I can't ever possibly finish, and attempt it? Why?

Friend: Because you love to torment yourself, it's what you do.

Yve: You aren't helping, you know.

Friend: Of course not, you brought this on yourself, shut the fuck up and finish it. You know when it's done its going to rock, so stfu and do it.

Yve: You're a bitch.

Friend: I love you too.

So with that said...I am not quite finished working on today's piece because dawned on me half way through starting it, this whole challenging myself to draw on my tablet would be a great idea to get me back in the swing of things...

and because I am so fucking bored, I had to do something to entertain myself...

this will be of course, around painting too...seeing as I've bought four FUCKING huge canvases today (thanks to the dude for driving me out to X-cess Cargo)


Back to work fuckers.

ps. Beth has a blog now. Check her out, Canadian Fast Food

pps. Tomatoes are evil fruit.


Beth said...

Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting tomatoes into fruit salad.

Cool art idea. I think I need to do that too. I just feel like there's nothing inspiring around. But my mom!!!!!!! my mom!!!! just signed up for an artclass so I think I better get back to work and defend my title.

Yve! said...

HAHAH Claim that title!!

Anonymous said...

sexy frauen

fette titten
