Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Finished my sketchbook yesterday morning, decided I was going to FINISH the sketchbook by finishing as much of the pictures as I could...

so I got to colouring with my pencils again. I love my pencils.

I miss my scanner. The pile of art that needs to be scanned is getting mountainous. :S

The colours are all off because the gamma on my webcam is deadly jaundise, but you can rest assured, that they are up to yvil's snuff of bright bold and beautiful.

Dread girl has been a challenge and a half for me, I could not for the life of me figure out what I wanted to do with her hair for at least three pictures and then her flowers came out shitious in the forth, so I had to revert to using 'artistic freedom' and flubbing it up HAAARD.

I LOVE my buddha, I mean I lovelovelove my buddha, I was inspired by one of my many faves on dA and I I have this awesome little jade buddha at home that I wanted to draw but his angles and shape didn't transfer to paper well so I adjusted him and I'm still stupid in love with him. YAY buddha!!!

I hope you guys like. I have SOO much more I want to scan and show you.

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