Monday, January 7, 2008

My Energy Stone

Last August-->

It finally got too hot for me to wear jewellery over the summer so I stripped down to the bare minium of my stainless steel hoops and silver 69 position ring and I left my pentagram and crystal on my window sill where I always leave them. I left for work/school and I didn't think to look for them when I got home.

A weekend passed as it normally does and I decide I hate no wearing my pentagram so I go to put it on and my crystal is missing. Odd, I figured it was in my purse. It wasn't. SO I look for it and that is the day I got into a fight with my mom and kicked out.

Four days later I was living with Matt and my crystal was a.w.o.l. Six months later after searching and crying and having bad dreams over my lost crystal, my mom tells me off handedly that the it might be up on the bookshelf upstairs. So I go and I look and I can't find it.

Which brought back the bad dreams and guilt that I lost my most prized possession.
Today while my dad was adjusting my wall-shelves in my room finally, I decided to clean off the bookshelf (cause I wanted to read a couple books and I wanted to see if we did in fact have the series I was looking for) and just as I pulling off the last of the books I found out that behind two thick books (that were just not sitting right) crammed between them and between two facing books so that it created a little hidey hole that unless you moved the books you'd never see, was my crystal necklace.

I was so happy I cried.

It seems a bit materialistic but I have few possessions I truely love and take care of. I very rarely let anyone touch this necklace and when I have it, its even more rarely seen off me.

The Crystal
is an inch and a half long and about an inch around. It's fucking huge and comes to a sharp quartz point at one end, and the other is frosted from where it was taken from its cave. It has a couple seer windows on it and carries a certain energy to it that literally thrums with life. I recieved it as a gift from my the best friend, sister in all but blood and fellow practioner of the Craft, Sara way back when we first started practicing together in high school. I use to carry it around in a little black velvet sachet in my pocket and I used it for cleansing negative energy and concentrating. It sat in the full moons light every full moon for nearly ten years, it was MY pride as a pagan having such a lovely stone to use as my own.

Three years ago I met a woman who handmakes jewellery from silver and gold wire and she uses semi-precious stones and sets them into necklaces, rings, pendants etc. I asked her if she would turn my crystal into a necklace for me at a price (duh) and she said she would see what she could do cause crystals can be tricky. By the time I remembered to bring my crystal to her, she had left the mall. I was said but I made a mental note to look for her again.
The next year while I was working at Place D'orleans she was there! I asked her again if she'd do it and she laughed and told me to bring it in. The next day I did and she agreed with me that it was a special stone and she told me she'd have it for me after the weekend.

She wrapped it in silver wire and it was, to say the least, exactly what I'd dreamt about for it. I loved it from the second I saw it completed. Even my pissy bitch ex who is pickier then fuck agreed she did a marvelous job and was a bit jealous of me. HAH!

I wear it on a long leather thong double knotted so it won't accidentally come undone when I'm running for a bus or at work or anything and my god, its heavy and you know its there when you get a hug. I've had bruises left from it but I love it. Its my energy stone and for a long while its what kept my anxiety in check.

I'm never taking it off ever again.

-clutches her stone- MINE!!

on a side note and this is highly incriminating but if I ever find out who did take it out of my room is going to loose a pinky finger, cause I swear to the gods, it felt like I lost a part of me while it was missing.


RIO said...

What a gorgeous stone! I love crystal. There's nothing like quartz for clarity - it's so like glass. Quartz jewelry is very attractive to me.

I have no idea how people can wear things like bronze or brass, because I can feel the energy/electricity of my own body in the alloy and it makes me nuts. I wear only gold. The energy is a lot calmer. Plus, I don't react to it.

Yve! said...



Bronze, brass, copper, cheap silver all tarnish on me, gold turns black on me and pretty much the only one that doesn't tarnish ever ever ever is my surgical steel jewelry, even my pentagram which is a high grade silver gets tarnished and I have to clean it. Probably why the crystal is so nice, because the silver wire is REALLY good shit and it hasn't tarnished much. I'm so happy to have it back.