Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Sugar...I knew it was a bad idea.

ugh....jumbo noisette, with jooogar an cookies...n coookies....n MORE GOOKIES....
minion is twitchified.


I am twitching!!!!

So we gots our first set of marks back from Enforcements of Judgments. I'm smoking!! Now to keep this up for a whole year.

Chapter 1- I sucked, I have to redo it and resubmit it. :( 12/18
Chapter 2- WOOOO!! 23.5/24
Chapter 3- 22/22
Chapter 4- 15.5/20
Chapter 5- 12/14
Quiz 8/12

YAY! Week One of Enforcements is kicking ass. Go Yve!!!


I didn't get home until midnight again last night, which is fine, cause I went straight to bed anyway but my roommate was online until 3:30. Again. I had to roll over and tell him to go to bed. Again.

I don't mind so much on weekends, you know when I don't have to go to class and I can be all groggy and guhall day. But when I have to pay attention in class, I needs...I NEEDS the sleep.
Again I want to request moving our beds so I can sleep in the dark quiet corner of the apartment and he can have his bed beside the computer so if he wants to stay up all night he can and I won't be bothered by it. But that would mean, he'd have to move furniture and well...yah...not likely. I've been trying to convince him to move Kaa's tank since I moved in. Its been three months, hasn't happened.

-siiighs- I have to move out. I have to find a roommate and move the mofo out.


I needz to....I dunno but whatever it is....I needz it....-counts the days- hehehe okay I know what I need... -looks around- Ima in alotta troublez yo...


So teh Bishb0sh read my blog today. He told me I was crazy....sorry...nuts and to stop over analysising...I told him I wasn't nuts I was artistically inclined to be odd. Which is true so, bisheh loveh -sticks out tongue and squinches up eyes- NYAH!!!

thats right. I totally just nyah'd you. You take it. and you LIKE it.

-insert maniaclly evil laughter here-

but yayz the bloggerino is being read by the peoples and the peoples...well they need to fucking respond yo.

Yah you heard me. respondification is loved. and rewarded by respondification from the yvil.

eez cause I have no life....or very very leeetle of one. very leetle. like...bug leetle. eeety beeeeeteh bug leetle... yah that small joo just think about that one.

OMFG Vade is online....

peace yo.

1 comment:

RIO said...

*inhales clouds of sugar from here*


Ahhhh! Twitchy.