Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Look Through part 2

And here it is! My room!

This is the art studio portion of my room, my everyday hair products for my mohawk, my phone, my tiny collection of dvds, my paints, some of my stuffed animals (the black bear belonged to my ex, the yellow bear was a gift in high school and the purple moose is a weenie baby I bought as a joke). Beneath the shelves is Kaa's tank on top of my dresser and above the light switch is a picture of DSG, I believe that is the same pic he's using as his dA id currently. Key pieces of interest, my glass pipe is on the far end of the bottom shelf, the books piled up on top are all but two of my sketchbooks from the last five years, and yes, when I can find them I wear those sunglasses.

The sun went behind the clouds for this picture, but its off Kaa's tank, his second light is off because its day light and for about five hours it gets hotter then hell in my room when the sun is shining and his tank lights are on. His tank needs to be cleaned cause he's in a shed cycle. Again.

Panning over you see my closet, see!? the door is off the hinges because I had to move in a storage container that didn't fit with the door on. I left with out returning the door and the screws went missing, so yes, my closet is missing its door. Oh well. I love my ghetto room. you can't see much, cause my closet is tiny and filled with JUNK, but I have Kaa's twisty branch(taken out of his tank because the wire is poking out the end) and my luggage strap/belt. I bought it simply because it was RAINBOW. Bitches. If you look carefully you can find my bottle of absinthe. REAL absinthe. BWAHAHAH is it coming clear to you why I am so crazy yet?

See...there it is...I don't drink it often, so I store it in the only cool, dry place I know its safe.

Next update: my bookself/computer corner of doom and bed, second to none, the best bed in the world.

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