Sunday, October 28, 2007

iblog, thefore I am.


So I found out an assload of my friends blog, on blogspot, like me.

we are all individual little sheep aren't we?

Little Ms. Pixie, or shall I say, the soon to be Little Mrs. Pixie Azzi

The Life and Times of Ren, and then some.

RIO! *humps madly*


I'm sure here are more and as I go along I will make some new friends with blogs on her, but those are just a handful of my small circle.

I luff you guys!!!


I found out today Shawna (aka Pixie) has finally set a date with her man to get married. -gaps like a fish- my gods!! YAY! She still hasn't told me who her maid of honour is going to be be, but it'll probably be Kat(istillhateyoulikeherpesbutimbeingcivilcauseiloveshawna), and thats cool. Although I I don't wish she'd grow some balls and tell me, cause then that would be an all balls family and already four boys scare me, the fifth would just be the end of me. heheheh.

I luff you shawna!!!


I'm totally contented right now, I have a huge full belleh and it was some good eats but now I'm totally ready to konk. Ugh. Hard.

mmm tv....

-is catatonic-

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